Easy Egg-Fried Tortilla

Easy Egg-Fried Tortilla

When you’re feeling lazy AF, it’s hard to feel motivated to cook anything. That’s why I was so impressed when I saw this little trick that Alan showed me a month ago! They’re kind of like a poor man’s version of jianbing.

Have you ever had jianbing? They’re like Chinese crepes, and you fill them with anything — I’ve had them with egg, pork floss, wonton chips, etc. They’re super quick to make and are a good foundation to add flavors to.

Now, when I say these are the poor man’s jianbing, it’s because you don’t even need to make a batter! It’s just 4-5 ingredients (or more depending on what you want to add). Again, it’s a great base so you can really add whatever you want when you make these — I kept it simple with the holy grail of Chinese condiments, Lao Gan Ma aka chili crisp!

This recipe makes 1 serving, but, honestly, I could eat 2 or more of these. They’re just so simple but delicious!


Basic Egg-Fried Tortilla

Makes 1 serving


  • 1 tortilla

  • 1 egg

  • 1 ½ tsp oil

  • 1 tsp of Lao Gan Ma (or more to taste)

  • ½ scallion stalk, diced


  1. Heat oil in a nonstick pan over med-high heat.

  2. Crack an egg in and break the yolk. Try shaking the pan a bit to help the egg spread across the surface.

  3. Throw a tortilla on top of the egg and press lightly with your fingers to seal the two together.

  4. Let cook for a few seconds until the egg is cooked through (try lifting the tortilla and the egg should stick to it).

  5. Flip your tortilla over and cook the other side until it has browned and crisped up (should take about 30 seconds or more).

  6. While the tortilla is cooking, use a spoon to spread the Lao Gan Ma on top and then sprinkle the diced scallion.

Move your egg-fried tortilla to a plate and enjoy while it’s still hot and that tortilla is still crisp! Optional toppings that you could throw on are bacon, cooked mushrooms or onions, spinach, etc. You could also leave the Lao Gan Ma and scallions off and Americanize your tortilla with cheese!

This is the kind of coloring and crispiness you’ll want on your tortilla

This is the kind of coloring and crispiness you’ll want on your tortilla

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