Event Planning

While at Wikia and issuu, I developed skills planning community events both online and offline. From meetups to happy hours to book clubs, an event can truly bring members together and build a stronger community.


issuu Meetups

I spearheaded organizing quarterly meetups for the issuu global community in different cities around the world. To bring the focus to publishing, I focused on partnering with publishers to be featured speakers at these meetups who would share their experience in digital publishing for established and aspiring publishers. I selected and booked venues, speakers, and catering in advance, designed and sent out invitations with Mailchimp and social media, and handled photography during the events as well.

Wikia Community Connect Scavenger Hunt

In 2015, Wikia hosted a Community Connect, a week-long event where users from different communities were flown in to HQ. This opportunity was for our long-time users to meet with Wikia staff and vice versa, and each day was filled with product discussions and beta testing. At the end, a coworker and myself organized a scavenger hunt as one of the end of the week activities. We created a checklist, ordered props, filmed a video, and set up rules for the event.
