Persimmon Latte

Persimmon Latte

When the cold weather comes in, I’m forced to say goodbye to the ice lattes and cold brews. Luckily, a boring old coffee can always be jazzed up with the right flavors! I’m a big fan of mochas, but I realized recently that I still had a bunch of persimmons leftover from when we went persimmon picking last month!

I’m a big fan of persimmons, but Alan doesn’t really love fruit so I have to get creative with how to ingest it in order to get through it all. I remembered back in the day that I had a pretty good sweet potato latte at Yakini Cafe in Japantown, and it inspired me to try another fall latte: a persimmon latte.

With a little dash of cinnamon, this hot drink is perfect for sitting in front of Netflix and watching some holiday movies.

Note: you don’t need a milk frother for this, but it does add a really nice touch and makes you feel like you’re in a cafe! I got mine at Daiso and use it all the time.

Persimmon Latte

Makes 1 serving



  • 1 Fuyu persimmon, diced into small cubes

  • 1½ tbsp brown sugar (use 2 if you like your drinks on the sweet side)

  • ½ cup water

  • ⅔ cup whole milk

  • A dash of ground cinnamon


  1. In a small pot, mix the persimmon, brown sugar, and water. Add a dash of cinnamon (literally tip the bottle once so just a bit goes in). Bring to a boil and stir to dissolve the brown sugar.

  2. Reduce the heat to med-high and cook until the persimmon cubes become soft (you should be able to easily pierce them with a fork) and the water has mostly been cooked off.

  3. Set aside to cool down for a few minutes.

  4. Once the persimmons have cooled, blend or mash them into a puree.

  5. In a microwave-safe bowl or cup, heat the milk until hot (try 1 minute or 30-second blasts). Use a milk frother to beat your milk and create a layer of foam.

  6. In a mug, spoon in your persimmon mix. Pour the milk in and use the spoon to keep the foam from falling in. After all the milk is all in, use the spoon to add the foam on top.

  7. Garnish with a dash of cinnamon and enjoy!

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