Mini Sushi Donuts

Mini Sushi Donuts

I first saw sushi donuts on Instagram, and made fun of them on the spot. Why can't you just eat sushi the regular way and enjoy it?? Then, I kept seeing the trend pop up on my Explore feed, and it stuck in my mind.

Finally, I made the decision to just make my own donuts, and, while they were hard to eat, they were super adorable and I LOVED them! They're also incredibly easy to make, and I could see this working out with any combination of toppings you usually see in a sushi roll.


  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • Sushi grade fish (I used tuna)
  • Pickled ginger
  • Sesame seeds
  1. First, wash and cook your rice. When the rice is done, add the rice vinegar and mix it all together so the vinegar is incorporated. My mom used to add a little sugar to her vinegar before adding it to the rice, but I think it tastes fine solo, so just do whatever you're used to!
  2. While the rice is cooking, slice your sushi grade fish as thinly as possible with a sharp knife. Make sure you actually are getting something that is sushi grade or there's a chance you could get sick 😨
  3. Do the same with your avocado. I halved mine, took the skin off, laid it face down on my cutting board and sliced it with a small knife.
  4. When everything is ready for you to start assembling, get your donut pan ready. Luckily, I have silicon mini donut pans, so it's easier to get things out but I think metal donut pans or whatever you have should still work. Layer your fish, pickled ginger, and avocado around each hole and then spoon the sushi rice on top. Press down gently to help "seal" things together.
  5. I filled in each hole of the donut pan, and, once it was done, I put a cutting board over the donut pan and then flipped it over. Very carefully lift a corner of your donut pan and shake/peel the donuts out so they're laying flat on the cutting board.
  6. Voila! Now sprinkle some sesame seeds on top and get a little soy sauce to drizzle. It's better to eat these while they're fresh since the rice will get hard if you refrigerate it!

People LOVE tiny snacks, so make these for your next get together and get ready for your friends to ooh and awe over them!

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