Sweet Potato and Sausage Omelette

Sweet Potato and Sausage Omelette

I don't cook as much as I used to thanks to a long commute for work, but the weekends are a time for me to get back into it! Because I'm cooking less, I have all this stuff in the fridge about to go bad or that I know I need to use soon because it's been neglected for so long 😆 And so I give you...the sweet potato omelette!

So happy my filling didn't completely break the egg shell 

So happy my filling didn't completely break the egg shell 


  • 2 eggs, 1 egg white
  • 1.5 tbsp milk or more depending on how you like your eggs
  • Half a sweet potato
  • 1 handful baby kale
  • 1/2 cup ground sausage (I love the Jimmy Dean Sage flavor)
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Cayenne
  1. Peel half of your sweet potato and then cut it where the peel ends. If you're making more than one omelet, use the whole potato! I made this when I was already a little bit hungry, so I cubed my sweet potato half into about half inch cubes so they could cook faster.
  2. Heat up some cooking oil in a pan on medium heat and add the potatoes in. Sautee for a bit before adding a bit of water in and put a lid on top to trap the steam. The potatoes are done once you put a fork in and it comes out pretty easily. You can also boil your potato before putting the cubes into your pan but I like doing it this way :)
  3. Add your sausage to the pan with the potatoes, and use a spatula to break it down as it browns. 
  4. As the sausage cooks, whisk your eggs and milk together with the garlic powder, cayenne, salt, and pepper. I usually just eyeball this part by putting a dash of everything in but I would estimate maybe 1/2 a teaspoon of everything and just a pinch of the salt?
  5. Add your baby kale to the pan and let it wilt. At this point, the sausage should have browned and basically be cooked through. I used my spatula to break the sausage up a bit into smaller chunks, but I still like it kind of chunky!
  6. Once the baby kale is cooked, move the mix more towards the middle in a small pile and add the egg mix to the pan. Move your pan so the egg covers the entire bottom.
  7. As the egg is cooking, use your spatula to lift the edges and then tilt the pan in that direction so the raw egg fills the empty spaces and cooks. Once it's all looking a little less runny, add the cheese (reserve some to sprinkle on top) and a little more salt and pepper.
  8. Use your spatula to flip one side over the other to make your omelet shape! To make sure there's no raw egg left in the middle, I press down lightly with my spatula and then flip the omelet over, making sure each side gets cooked a few more minutes.
  9. Sprinkle the extra cheese on top and enjoy!
Here's another look at that finished product!

Here's another look at that finished product!

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